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  • 2022-03-31 10:48:00

One writer once said, for a  person who aspires his place among the gods is assured,but he who hangs back and never dares and never takes action is withering on the tree of life, and his wishes will not change anything as they are not strong enough to prompt him to attack his fear- created walls.”
 The world belongs to those who aspirethose who dare, who try for all aspirations is only effort against the prison of the surface self.

This what is in store in our Dare to Aspire Coaching program.

The DARE TO ASPIRE IS for anyone who YEARNS TO DO MORE, to create better and bigger impact.

Yearn is a deliberate word .‘Yearn’ means to have intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.

Yearn shows up as an entirely different vibration in your body,it goes deeper than a longing for something.

Yearning does not feel light or petty, it cannot be  numbed to silence, it shows up as essential and feels insistent.

Unless you pay, attention to it ,it will not go away. it will stay with pestering you to pay it attention day in day out.


The definition of yearning above answers the question.

Yearning, is so intense because it is telling you that there is a part of you that you’ve lost along the way

And That something wants to be heard, NOW not later.

This ‘lost’ or silenced part of you will not just still.

This yearning springs from the deepest part of you that knows how you could feel when you are more fulfilled. This part of you that you have  ignored for so long  fortunately knows what you could do to infuse your life with meaning and joy to create a better sense of aliveness.

Well, I say this because I have been down this path, seven years ago I began the journey to the understand the inner yearning, I  didn’t have the clear picture, but when I couldn’t hide or numb the yearning I embarked on a personal quest.  My answer came in August of 2017, with a message that told me, “DARE BE YOU”. The first thing I did was to reconnect to what made my heart sing when I was a young girl and that is reading. 

Reading awaked a longing to write and so far I have self-published two best sellers and I’m working on two more .Writing led me to yearn to teach and Coach and Lengo Africa Training &Coaching company was born.

What you yearn does not need to be too grand, it only needs to feel important to YOU.

It could be something as small as a pursuing a hobby that makes your heart sing.

It could be following your desire to change how other people look at something by writing a book, producing a podcast or writing a blog.

It could be moving to a new career that has been calling you for a while.

It could be launching a new business that offers a service or a product you have had in mind for long.

It could be changing a key component of your job to allow you to contribute better towards the vision of the organization work in by fully using your talents and abilities.

It could be anything that calls your name in the morning and asks you to pay attention.

You‘ve got to find and cherish the music that makes your heart stir, the beauty that forms your mind, the loveliness that shades your purest thoughts, because if find and remain true to your music your world will at last bloom.

If there is something you would like to create, but you seem unsure whether if it’s possible, or you are not sure whether the timing is right then let’s examine it together.

I would like for us to work together to create what is actually possible for you right now and I would love to help you move forward with speed and zeal.


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